Missions TEAM
The Missions Team implements the outreach ministries of the Temecula United Methodist Church giving attention to local and international community ministries of compassion, justice, and advocacy. These ministries include church and society, global ministries, higher education and campus ministry, health and welfare, and the status and role of women.
TUMC Congregation also supports and fund raises for the joint St. Catherine & TUMC food pantry projects. During August, 2019, the food pantry provided food for over 335 families for a total of 871 hungry people. Your ONE weekly food item goes a long way in supporting this program.
Through undesignated missions giving we fulfilled our commitment for the Ministerial Education Fund, Black College Fund and Africa University, as well as contributing to Conference Benevolences (global missions).
In our first meeting this year, the committee decided to continue our support to the above missions, institutions, and projects. We also support SAFE (Safe Alternatives for Everyone) an organization that provides services for children, youth and families who have experienced or are at risk of abuse and violence.